Meditation is an essential tool to still our mind which is the answer to many problems or questions in life. Meditation has many benefits which helps improve several domain in our life such as health, relationships and belief systems.
Meditation is a prolonged concentration upon a point of focus. We can meditate on many tools by closing our eyes and sitting in a place as still as possible. The tools can be breath, mantra, mandala and light and sound. This helps us to gain the insight about us and our lives and makes us realize our enormous potential. Person of any gender can meditate and progress spiritually.
People meditate for different reasons: some may meditate for good health, some for handling emotions and some meditate because it is a new buzz word! Some other may do for the sake of meditating or because of inner urge to be quiet.
The most important questions any human being can ask are:
Why am I here? What is the ultimate purpose for my existence? What is my goal as a human being? The answer to these questions is the discovery of the ultimate truth – the cause of creation – Enlightenment. Enlightenment is to realize we have never been born; never died; we have always been and we will always be.
Just imagine how much difference this freedom could make!